Visit Orlando Hires New Chief Sales Officer

Visit Orlando President and CEO George Aguel has announced that Michael D. Waterman has been appointed chief sales officer for Visit Orlando. Waterman will oversee the travel industry and convention sales teams for the official tourism association of the destination, reporting directly to Aguel.
With almost 30 years of experience in hospitality sales and marketing, Waterman’s background includes a 24-year tenure in multiple sales and marketing leadership roles at Marriott International and, most recently, as the president and CEO of Visit Houston. His industry service includes the boards of the U.S. Travel Association and Destination International
In a written statement Aguel noted that Waterman joins the destination marketing organization as Orlando expands its convention center and embarks on the most significant addition of hotel rooms the destination has seen in 20 years. Additionally, Universal just announced a new theme park in the area, which will also include a new road to support the convention center expansion.

Waterman, who started his career in Orlando, says the new role “will feel like coming home.” 
Waterman will assume his new role August 26.

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