Miami Beach Convention Center Becomes Certified Autism Center

The Miami Beach Convention Center (MBCC) has been named a Certified Autism Center (CAC). The designation has been granted by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES). This comes on the heels of the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau achieving its CAC designation in April.

As a CAC, the MBCC has taken proactive steps to ensure that autistic and sensory-sensitive visitors feel welcome and supported. The certification process involved comprehensive training for the MBCC’s customer-facing staff from Oak View Group, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to support individuals with autism, as well as an onsite review by IBCCES to provide recommendations on other enhancements.

In addition, the venue offers a range of ADA-compliant features, including accessible parking, sidewalk ramps, restrooms, elevators and automatic entrance doors. For visually impaired attendees, the MBCC provides Braille signage and a visual interpreting service via the Aira app.

The MBCC also focuses on a range of corporate social responsibility (CSR), accessibility, DEI and sustainability programs. The venue has earned LEED Silver Certification as part of its $640 million expansion and renovation project, which includes many environmentally friendly features. Additionally, the MBCC was recently awarded the Foundations Certificate for Sustainability and Social Impact by the Events Industry Council (EIC), and five staff members have earned the Sustainable Event Professional Certificate, designed for professionals who are dedicated to implementing sustainability and social impact where they work.

Earning the CAD designation as a destination means a representative number of attractions, hotels and other recreation and entertainment venues have completed the CAC certification process. 

For more than 20 years, IBCCES has been a leader in autism, neurodiversity and cognitive disorder training and certification for healthcare, education and corporate professionals around the globe. IBCCES has created programs specifically for hospitality and recreational organizations, such as hotels, theme parks, museums and other attractions, so staff would be more knowledgeable and other accommodations could be offered to this growing, but underserved, part of the community.

Good to know: IBCCES also created and, two free online resources for parents that list certified locations and professionals. Each organization listed on the site has met Certified Autism Center (CAC) requirements.

For more information, visit

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